1. Can I register my company on this website?
    To become a registered member, please Contact Us first
  2. Can I add more users to read and download reports?
    Yes, multiple users can be registered unde company account. Please Contact Us.
  3. I forgot my password. Can I reset it?
    Yes, to reset your password, please use Reset Password link on the Home page.
  4. Can I change my password?
    Yes, follow the same procedure as for the Reset Password advice above.
  5. I forgot my registered email address and are unable to reset password.
    Please use Contact Us form in order to get verified and we will assist.
  6. I don’t seem to be receiving email notifications. Is there a problem?
    In most cases, please check your Spam or Junk folder and move our email to your Inbox folder
  7. Does your website work on mobile devices?
    Yes, it does however, we advise to use them in Horizontal mode. Just rotate the screen.
  8. My connection is slow and unstable. Will I be able to upload reports?
    Our software splits files into small chunks and keeps trying to upload them until is done.
  9. I found an error in our reports. How to correct them?
    Please get in touch and we will be happy to assist and reload your report.
  10. Do I need any special software to read the reports?
    No special software is required. Reports are in PDF format and photos in standard JPG or JPEG formats.
  11. I get an error when uploading files. What file extensions are allowed?
    Standard reports are in ZIP files. Additionally, PDF and photo formats are allowed.
  12. Can I download reports for my records?
    Yes, you can download single or multiple reports at the same time. Photos can be downloaded as well.
  13. I have a question or suggestion not covered in this page. How do I get in touch?
    Due to differences between time zones, we always advise to use Contact Us form. We aim to reply within 12h or less.